Monday, August 24, 2009

Sidewalk Chalkboard Ads - The good and the bad

There is a flower shop right outside of where I exit the subway every morning that uses a sidewalk blackboard with promotional messages. Recently, the cleverness of the messages and quality of the design has gone down significantly, so I can only assume that the witty copywriter no longer works there. For a brief time, it would really brighten my day after riding that miserable subway and even once convinced me to use their services.

When done well, a sandwich-board-style chalkboard or message board can be a cheap easy way of targeting local customers. Just as with all other marketing messages, you should add your brand's signature touch or flair to this basic promotional medium.

Good use of sidewalk chalkboard ad space from a flower shop:

Questionable use of sidewalk chalkboard ad space from a dive bar:

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