Monday, March 15, 2010

Hey I've Seen That Before! Fill in the _____ ads.

As time goes on it always becomes a bit more difficult to have that really great innovative idea. But, sometimes there are certain themes and concepts that are used repeatedly because they are "trendy" or "buzzwords" this series attempts to document some of those I've noticed and have a resource for similar creative concepts that have been published.

Fill in the blank
We've all seen them and usually those blanks are filled in with a handwriting font. Here are some of the most recent users and abusers.

North Dakota Tourism - "I am _____" ad campaign
Found online Jan 15, 2010

Wells Fargo - "With you when _____" ad campaign.
Found in New Yorker Mar. 15, 2010
National Peanut Board - "Energy to _____" ad campaign
Found in NYC subway Mar. 9, 2010

Merrill Lynch - "help2 retire _____" ad campaign
Found in NYC near Grand Central, Mar. 19, 2010

Maryland Tourism - "Maryland of _____" ad campaign
Found online on Jun 16, 2010

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