Thursday, November 5, 2009

Commercials that make you go hmmmmm...

All too often commercials are disguised as ads that are "educating" consumers, but the messages and claims are just too outrageous to allow any viewer to perceive the ad as genuine. Two recent examples of these types of ads come from the Corn Refiners Association and America's Natural Gas Alliance.

The Corn Refiners' "Sweet Surprise" campaign attempts to highlight high fructose corn syrup as an equivalent to natural sugar by stating that just like sugar, it is "fine in moderation."

The campaign also plays off the fact that many people may not be able to verbalize why high fructose corn syrup is known as detrimental to your health. Well, this spoof video response clears that all up, with documented proof as to why HFCS is an unhealthy chemical. Too bad for the corn refiners, but you can't pull the wool over my eyes.

America's Natural Gas Alliance developed a campaign of Eureka Moments showing "real" people against a blue backdrop describing when they first realized that natural gas was the answer to all our energy problems (Eureka!). My major issue with this campaign are the ridiculous lines within the scripts including, "Sure solar and wind energy are part of the future, but it's not always breezy and the sun sets".

Another commercial from the campaign shows a mother holding her young child and enthusiastically proclaiming that there is a whopping 100 years of natural gas supply available in the US. Yet I wonder, is 100 years really that long in the grand scheme of sustainability and the energy crisis?

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